About Us
Welcome to your cooperative. Unlike most other companies, Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) was formed by and is owned entirely by you and the other members we serve. Our purpose is not to maximize profits for shareholders—we are a not-for-profit organization.
Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) is a rural electric cooperative which generates, transmits and distributes electrical power in Kodiak, Alaska.
KEA owns, operates, and maintains an isolated grid. KEA has several renewable energy resources, the primary being Terror Lake Hydroelectric plant providing approximately 80% of our generation. The remaining generation is provided by a combination of six wind turbines, two flywheels and a battery energy storage system. KEA also maintains diesel generation facilities as back up.
We have six active substations, nineteen distribution feeders, thirty-three miles of transmission lines and 350 miles of distribution lines which serve approximately 6,000 meters.

Mission Statement
Kodiak Electric Association is committed to providing safe, reliable energy and a high level of service excellence to enhance the quality of life of its members and of the community.
Our Vision
Endeavor to maintain 98% of energy sales with cost effective renewable power solutions for the future of our members and the community.
Dan Menth

Mike Brechan
Board Chairman